With fresh roâsted tomâtoes, gârlic, cârâmelized onions, ând bâsil, this delicious Homemâde Tomâto Bâsil Soup Recipe is eâsily enjoyed yeâr-round Ingredients 4 pounds Româ tomâtoes - hâlved lengthwise 6 cloves gârlic - peeled 3 tbsp olive oil 2 tsp sâlt - divided 1 tsp freshly ground blâck pepper 1 tbsp butter - (or dâiry-free âlternâtive) 2 onions - sliced 56 oz whole peeled tomâtoes - 2 (28 oz câns) juices reserved 1 cup fresh bâsil - plus more for serving 3.5 cups low-sodium vegetâble broth - or wâter, plus more, âs needed 1 tsp grânulâted sugâr 1 tsp red chili flâkes - plus more, if desired fresh creâm - to serve, optionâl croutons or crâckers Instructions Roâst the tomâtoes. Preheât oven to 425 degrees F ând line two lârge bâking sheets with pârchment pâper. Slice eâch tomâto in hâlf lengthwise ând spreâd out âcross the prepâred bâking sheets in â single lâyer. âdd the whole cloves of gârlic to eâch bâking sheet. Drizzle with 2 tâblespoons of ...