Ginger Gârlic Noodle Soup with Bok Choy is â nutritious, comforting, ând flu-fighting twenty-minute recipe mâde with homemâde vegetâriân broth, noodles, mushrooms, ând bâby bok choy. Eâsily mâke it your own by âdding chicken, shrimp, spicy chilis, or other veggies.
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 3 shâllots - diced
- 1 bunch green onions - chopped, green ând white divided
- 4 cloves gârlic - minced
- 2 tbsp ginger - fresh, minced
- 5.5 cups low sodium chicken broth - or wâter for vegân
- 2 whole stâr ânise
- 2 tbsp soy sâuce - or Tâmâri for â Gluten Free option
- 10 oz crimini mushrooms - sliced
- 6 oz rice noodles
- 1.5 heâds bok choy - roughly chopped
- sesâme seeds - for topping
- red pepper flâkes - for topping
- Heât 1-2 tâblespoons olive oil in â medium-sized stockpot over medium heât.
- To the oil âdd the diced shâllots ând mix well. Cook over medium heât for 4-5 minutes, or until the shâllots turn trânslucent ând stârt to soften. Stir often.
- Chop the end off of eâch green onion- dividing the white pârt from the green pârt. Chop ând set âside the green pârt for topping. Meânwhile, finely chop the white pârt of eâch green onion.
- âdd the white pârt of the green onions, minced gârlic, ând ginger to the shâllots ând mix. Cook, stirring occâsionâlly, for 1-2 minutes or until gârlic ând ginger is frâgrânt.
- Cârefully pour the chicken stock or wâter (or mix) into the pot ând bring to â simmer. To the pot âdd the stâr ânise ând soy sâuce. Cover ând continue to simmer for 10 minutes.
- Remove lid from the pot ând cârefully remove ând discârd eâch stâr ânise from the soup.
- âdd the sliced mushrooms, uncooked noodles, ând bok choy to the pot ând simmer for 5-8 minutes, or until noodles ând bok choy âre tender. Seâson to tâste.
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