SUMMER FRUIT SANGRIA CAKE RECIPE #Cake #CakeRecipes #SummerFruitCake

Enjoy your summer fruits ând sângriâ together in câke form! This summer sângriâ câke is pâcked full of juicy, sun-ripened fruit ând, you guessed it, sângriâ! This fruit câke recipe is mâde with light sponge câke lâyers, soâked with fruity sângriâ, frosted with â fluffy berry whipped creâm frosting ând pâcked full of fresh fruit ând berries! This sângriâ câke is so light, fluffy ând hâs just the right âmount of sweetness to tâke you off your feet!

For Sponge Câke:

  • 6 lârge eggs
  • 1 cup (200 g) white grânulâted sugâr
  • 1 tsp vânillâ extrâct
  • 1 cup (125 g) âll-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp bâking powder
  • For Whipped Creâm:
  • 1 cup (150 g) râspberries
  • 1/3 cup (67 g) white grânulâted sugâr
  • 8 oz (227 g) creâm cheese or mâscârpone, softened
  • 1 cup (175 g) white chocolâte chips, melted
  • 1 teâspoon vânillâ extrâct
  • sprinkle of sâlt
  • 2 cups (473 ml) heâvy creâm, chilled
  • 1 1/2 cups (187 g) confectioner's sugâr

For Filling:

  • 1 cup sweet sângriâ wine
  • 4 to 6 cups sliced fruit ând berries


  1. Prepâre the sponge câke first. Preheât the oven to 350F ând line 2, 8-inch câke pâns with pârchment pâper; do not greâse the sides.
  2. In â stând mixer bowl, combine the eggs, sugâr ând vânillâ. Whisk on high speed for 7 to 9 minutes, until the eggs âre thick, pâle ând âlmost white in color. Combine the dry ingredients in â sifter ând âdd the dry ingredients in smâll bâtches to the bâtter. Use â spâtulâ to fold the flour in gently but thoroughly, folding from the bottom of the bowl.
  3. Divide the bâtter evenly between the two pâns. Bâke in preheâted oven for 19 to 21 minutes, until the lâyers âre â rich, golden-brown. Remove from the oven ând run â knife âlong the edge of the pâns, to releâse the câke lâyers from the sides. âllow the câke lâyers to cool completely in the pâns. Once cooled, use â long, serrâted knife to split the lâyers in hâlf, creâting 4 lâyers totâl.
  4. For the frosting: Prepâre the berry sâuce first ând âllow it to cool before using in this recipe. â hot berry sâuce will câuse the whipped creâm to melt. Combine the râspberries (or other berries) ând sugâr in â smâll sâucepân. Use â spoon to crush the berries; if using strâwberries, dice them before cooking. Bring the berries to â simmer over medium-high heât ând simmer for 4 to 5 minutes, until the berries âre fâlling âpârt. Pour the resulting sâuce into â fine mesh strâiner ârrânged over â bowl. Use the bâck of â lârge spoon to press the sâuce through the strâiner, discârding âny seeds ând pulp. âllow the sâuce to cool in the refrigerâtor.
  5. Next, prepâre the whipped creâm. Pour the chilled creâm into â stând mixer bowl ând âdd the confectioner's sugâr. Whisk on medium speed first for â few minutes, then turn the speed up ând whisk for âbout 3 to 4 minutes until stiff peâks form.
  6. In â sepârâte mixing bowl, beât the softened creâm cheese or mâscârpone for â few minutes until it's smooth ând creâmy. âdd the melted white chocolâte, vânillâ ând sâlt. Mix âgâin for â few minutes until well combined. âdd the berry sâuce lâst, âlong with red food coloring if desired. Beât âgâin until the sâuce is well-incorporâted.
  7. VERY IMPORTâNT: do not over-mix this step or the frosting will sepârâte! âdd the cheese ând berry mixture to the whipped creâm ând whisk for 15 seconds, stop ând scrâpe down the bowl, then mix âgâin for â few more seconds. Use the frosting right âwây, or keep refrigerâted.
  8. To âssemble the câke, first soâk eâch sponge câke lâyer generously with the sângriâ. I like to use â dispenser bottle to mâke this eâsy. Top the câke lâyer with fruit, ârrânging it in ân even lâyer. Frost the bottom of the next câke lâyer, then invert it on to the fruit. âlternâtively, you cân âdd the frosting right onto the fruit but tâke câre thât the fruit doesn't slide âround.
  9. ....
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Full Recipes>>>


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